Everyone will know you have lived in Cleveland if...

- You knows you don't really have an accent, the rest of the world does.
- You hate country music, and don't know anyone that does like country music.
- You find it hard to believe that someone as cool as Tom Hanks made his start here. But you'd brag about it.
- You honestly believe that Cleveland is the best city in the world.
- You know about the Eastside/Westside rivalry, but don't really understand it.
- You actually know how to pronounce Cuyahoga.
- You see Christmas lights still up in July.
- You know Tower City isn't a city at all.
- You're still dumbfounded by the Leaping Fountain in Tower City.
- You have never ridden in a taxi.
- You wear shorts the first day of the year it isn't below 30 and snowing, just because you can.
- You have gotten 3 speeding tickets, and they are all from the mile long stretch of a suburb named Linndale.
- You hate Baltimore and you have never even been there.
- St. Patty's Day is your number one holiday, and you aren't Irish.
- You're still relishing 1987 when we ALMOST made it to the Superbowl.
- You counted down with the monument in Tower City to the exact second in 1999 when the Browns came back.
- You heard Bill Clinton and Drew Carey love Parma Pierogies, but you have yet to ever eat there.
- You're Polish, or derive from a near-Polish ethnicity.
- And finally, half of your wardrobe is Tribe apparel.