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The suggestions listed below are recorded as a reminder for the author only. Unauthorized use of these principles cannot be, and is not condoned by the author. The publicizing of these principles does not imply any responsibility or liability on the part of the author for unauthorized use. The author disclaims any responsibility for use of the principles listed below by any reader.

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Rules of Investing

| By: Norm

Personal Investment Strategy

Kiva allows me to make small investments in entrepreneurial ventures occuring in the developing world. The picture shows Elsa, and her shop in Quito, Ecuador. Her shop is one of my several micro-loan investments made through the local lending partners arranged by Kiva. My default rate is zero and my returns are very satisfying. I highly recommend Kiva for any small investor. Hernando DeSoto claims that lack of access to capital and property rights keep most of the developing world's population poor. I consider this a way to fix some part of that.

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